Once nightfall hits, this mod makes it mandatory to navigate around in the pitch black of night when traversing outside. In the Weather Redux mod, plasma storms and dust storms have been added, as well as the enhanced thunder storms, rad storms and sunsets/rises.

Like the Vivid Weathers mod, this PS4 mod which beautifully enhances the weather visuals and sounds, it also adds a huge touch of darkness for the night-time travelers. Deepening the visual on the rainfall, droplets and even the ripples in water, this mod enhances just enough for every Fallout 4 wastelander.

For those not interested in a busy setting of storms and weather when scavenging through the Commonwealth, but still care for a little diversity in the mood, FO4 Rain adds exactly that. Sometimes the storms turn the player off and potentially inhibits the gameplay, but a little touch of rain never hurt anyone. You’re even given the option to tweak the volumes of the rainfall and thunderstorm effects to your content. This mod even goes as far as to change various sunsets and nightfall visuals. The Vivid Weathers mod completely overhauls the weather system by adding dozens of new weather climates and visuals, different storms like radstorms and thunderstorms, snowfall and tons of other fogs and other visual enhancements. Taking the somewhat bland storms and weather out of the radiated wasteland, certain mods make for a much more immersive and exciting feel. One other aspect keeping players on their toes when traversing the wild lands of Fallout 4 are the dynamic weather and rad storms so let’s look at a few weather mods to take things even further.

The dangerous lands of the Commonwealth are full of radiated ghouls, scorpions, hostile raiders and super mutants.